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What Is Google Doing To Protect Your Publisher ID?

Monday, October 09, 2006

Q; What Is Google Doing To Protect Your Publisher ID?

From: Voldemort

I read this is in a blog .....
A growing number of publishers are seeing hackers edit their websites,
substituting the publisher's AdSense ID for another, in order to
basically steal that publisher's revenue. Additionally, we've heard
stories of AdSense IDs getting used on sites not owned by the person
who controls the ID, resulting in charges of click fraud, among other

The reason these things can happen is that Google does not have a
verification process for AdSense, making it real easy to do crazy and
evil things to unwitting users, who may never realize they've been
hacked. There's no way to list all your domains in AdSense's
control panel, so that your ads never turn up where you don't want
them, and there's certainly no way to claim your own website, in
order to prevent other AdSense IDs from stealing your page views.

Even if Google doesn't want to invest in verification, I'm sure it
would be a simple matter to display on the AdSense control panel (a) a
list of all domains currently running your publisher ID and (b) a list
of all other publishers running ads on sites you run ads on (the
implication that, in most cases, if there's more than one name on the
second list, we've got a problem). A simple list would at least alert
publishers that there might be a problem, and then they can let Google
know not to penalize them for it.


Answer - by PrettyFace

Voldemort ,
This is a very good point.

You should discuss this directly with Google Support by emailing them:

There are other advertising networks that I'm working with and they do
a pretty good job at protecting their publishers.

They give publishers an option to encrypt their publisher IDs.

I cannot disclose who these ad networks are.

Google should definitely provide something to protect publishers (and
support us morally) - publishers should be able to specify which
domains their ads will appear on.

If the domain does not match the ad then it should trigger a red flag
to google.

Answer - by JL

Its not rocket science, it will take little or nothing for google
adsense to add a verification process, as one already exists for
sitemaps. They however have time to code a way to reveal channel names
in plain text (without an option to opt-out) to newly generated code...
I recently discovered that alot of publishers other than myself have
been requesting this and strict filter controls for over the past 24
"Simply add the code to your page source, and we'll automatically
detect the new site." -

Google states that if you ad the tags to a new domains, its
automatically associated with your account, therefore they already have
the information all they have to do is show it to publishers.
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