Adsense website layouts, directory listings & server location?
Monday, October 09, 2006
Q; Adsense website layouts, directory listings & server location?
From: Jack Frost
I have couple of queries about adsense website layouts, directory
listings and location of website servers, hope you can advise.
(1) My website is built with a relative width (100%) rather than an
absolute width (usually 760px). It's my first relative width website
(personal site, thought I'd try something new). Can anyone tell which
layout is the best to use for a site using adsense and why? Maybe there
is no difference?
(2) How do website directories, maintained by humans, regard sites that
use adsense and other affiliate adverts. Has anyone noticed that their
'ad' websites have less of a chance of being accepted by these
directories (dmoz for example)?
(3) My website is hosted in Ireland with a leading service provider.
I'm stating the obvious here; Ireland is a lot smaller than America.
Do you think two websites, of equal merit, one hosted in Ireland the
other in America would achieve similar organic traffic and ad clicks
regardless of where they are hosted? Is it easier to generate revenue
just because you're website is hosted in a country with a large
So far I'm enjoying adsense; it's like a puzzle you know you can
solve, or a word on the tip of your tongue. Over the course of two
months I've earned enough money for a few pints of the black & white
stuff. Still, I continue to build a site I'm interested in (also two
months old) and often indulge in dreams about being one of the guys who
are cashing the big cheques and living large and care free.
Answer - by K_F
Depends on too many factors. Use whatever works for you and your own
content, and don't worry too much about what others use.
No, at least not if placed sanely
Shouldn't matter, except maybe if some of the atlantic cables breaks
down again, and american traffic gets shut out / gets a very slow
response due to backup routing, it has happened in the past . That
said, I'm hosting most of my sites in Norway
by Jack Frost
Hi Kristian,
Thanks for the information.
Looking at your websites I think you've also inadvertently thought me a
thing or two about how to integrate ads into my site.
Your use of relative layout in your websites suits your content well.
The adverts are obvious but not intrusive. That makes for a good layout
and honest approach that I'm sure your visitors appreciate.
My ads look clumsy and distracting in most cases, the site is messy
too. My articles are also poor. In an effort to get as many pages
uploaded in as short a time as possible the site has been compromised
on a number of levels. This is probably causing a reduced value of my
adsense clicks and my low CTR. I'm working to a development plan and
the site will improve gradually over the next six months. Hopefully the
CTR and ad value will improve with the site.
It's nice to think that we're all starting on a level playing
field, whether our sites include ads or not. My site: