AdSense Group : Gathering Q&A form Google AdSense Group And More AdSense Tips: September 2006

Q: Google adsense question regarding disabled website.?

Monday, September 25, 2006

Q; Google adsense question regarding disabled website.?

by bacan

i just bought all the webs from a friend including his ip address. I Alredy operate an adsense account.Now my friend told, from this ip he made an adsense account and had one web and was disabled for clicking his own advt or something.Now i removed all the codes in the web.Can i add this web tomy account.He got the domain name,But i am the mannager,I controll,i can change the codes.How do you think ,Can i add this web to mine?Thanks.

Answer - by James

Hello, you'd better ask Google Adsense support directly about that, because they're the ones who realy decide what is good or bad with them. You don't want to do something and that they think that you're related to your friend's account.
10:23 AM :: 0 comments ::

asshur :: permalink

google adsense help.pls?

Q; google adsense help.pls?

by patnikrishna

i went to google.com and then clicked on "GOOGLE ADSENSE".but the webpage is itself not coming.pls anyone help me in this regard and how to register to goolge adsense?

Answer - by imisidro

Go to https://www.google.com/adsense/... -- if it's not coming, wait awhile then try again. It is coming up to me just fine

In terms of earning money on Adsense, remember that your mileage varies. One website with 10,000 uniques a day can earn $50 a month while another may earn $5,000. It is not easy to predict how much you will earn from Adsense. The only way you can learn about how your site will perform with Adsense is through trying it.

The amount you can earn will depend on the

1. Responsiveness of audience to the ads = Users looking to book a travel to Spain comes to your site about tourist destinations in Spain is a site that will do well with Adsense as users are more likely to click on an ad about hotels in Spain. However, if you are a gaming website where the main purpose of the user is to play games on your site, then Adsense will not perform as well.

2. Ad format = some types of ads do better than others depending on your content and layout. In our case, large rectangles in the middle of the content is the best, while leaderboards do not generate as much as income. Skys are the worst for us. Experiment and measure the results via channels and see which formats work best for you.

3. Ad placement - check Google's heat map as they have tested where the best placements are https://www.google.com/support/adsense/b...

4. Ad colors - sometimes ads blended into the content works wonders, but sometimes ads that contrast your site colors work best

5. Number of ad units on a page = we are allowed maximum of 3 ads + 1 ad links + 1 search box on a page. Maximize the allowed number based on the resulting look of your page (you don't want an overkill of ads). Users going to your page and reading your content may ignore the banner or rectangle at the top of the page, but may click on the ad at the bottom of the article

6. Smartpricing - the big unknown in Adsense. No one knows how this actually works

Experiment with the factors above (except smartpricing, which you can't control), and see which combination works best. Remember though that not all sites do well with Adsense - even if you get gazillions of traffic but your visitors are not interested in looking for ways to spend their money, they won't be interested in your ads and won't click.
10:14 AM :: 0 comments ::

asshur :: permalink

Q: Buying Adsense website?

Buying Adsense website?

by diaHelp

I want to buy good quality adsense website (readymade or someone who can make it for me). what things should I consider?
I heard that some websites being sold on eBay are actually banned. What does it mean? Is there any software for making adsense RSS websites. Where should those site need to be host (Linux, Win)? should it be php, html, shtml? and finally for around 25K page website how much should I pay? Thanks

Answer - by tke999

I suggest that you start by going to a hosting service like Verio. Get their starter package which will be pretty close to a ready made website. You can easily add components from a library of utilities they make available for small websites to feel very professional. You can do a lot without spending more than $20 or $30 a month for hosting services.

After you get your feet wet in that environment you can look into more sophisticated technologies like php, java, js script, .NET, MySQL, and others. You can consider a co-location account instead of a hosting account. You can start start loosing sleep over development and maintenance of your website infrastructure.

Until then, Verio can do it all for you so you can just focus on making the great content your visitors want.
10:08 AM :: 0 comments ::

asshur :: permalink

Q: What are the secrets to adsense?

What are the secrets to adsense?

by slicpinoy

There are so many tutorials for google adsense out there, selling books and videos for over 500$!!! Is there really a strategic way to setup google adsense other than keywords on your site and position? I see no other concept or how it can be more than a 30 min session for google adsense and yet there are so many sellers on how to get up to a 1000$ a week on google adsense. Are there any REAL secrets to google adsense?

Answer - by Crack The Sky

Be careful on absorbing any info you get in chat rooms as this could cost you time runnin down verification. Make sure you acquire info from a reliable source (someone who is running successful adsense campaigns). I would say that there are no real secrets but there are unique strategies being applied. Upload your sites, get indexed, experiment with code placement and page cosmetics, get backlinks and maintain the site with fresh content on a somewhat regular basis. test, test, test.... repeat
8:58 AM :: 0 comments ::

asshur :: permalink

I have an Adsense account with Google for my Blog. The same account adsense ads can I use for my other sites?

Q; I have an Adsense account with Google for my Blog. The same account adsense ads can I use for my other sites?

by coolgraphs

Google approved my Adsense account for my blog with blogger.com. I have few more sites of my own and few sites with free hosting compannies. Can I use same account to place adsense ads on these sites.Or Should I take permission from Google adsense programme before inserting Ads. When I applied for adsense accounts I only submitted one url of my blog at blogger.com. After that I created many blog urls with different content with same user name and passward. Can I add adsense ads on all of my blogs having different url references. Iam going through adsense terms and conditions. But Iam unable to trace answers to my doubts. It would be appreciated if anyone can answer the question. Thank you for your valuable time for going through. Regards.

Answer - by imisidro

YES. Once you are approved, you can put the Google Adsense code in any of your web properties - as long as you own the site.

From the Google Adsense Help Center https://www.google.com/support/adsense/b...

How do I add more sites to my account?

There's no need to open another account or notify us when you place the AdSense code on a new site. The ad code and search code generated through the guided steps on the AdSense Setup tab of your account are valid for any page in any site on which you want to display Google ads or an AdSense for search box. Simply add the code to your page source, and we'll automatically detect the new site.

To place the code on a new site, please follow the steps below:

To display Google ads:

Log in to your account at https://www.google.com/adsense
Click the AdSense Setup tab and choose AdSense for content as the product
Follow the guided steps to choose your ad type, format, color, and any additional options
Copy the ad code from the Your AdSense Code box
Paste the code into the appropriate page on your site

To display an AdSense for search box:

Log in to your account at https://www.google.com/adsense
Click the AdSense Setup tab and choose AdSense for search as the product
Follow the guided steps to choose your search type, search box, search results style, and any additional options
Copy the search code from the Your AdSense Code box
Paste the code into the appropriate page on your site
8:25 AM :: 0 comments ::

asshur :: permalink

AdSense TIPS - Usefull tips for newbies

Saturday, September 16, 2006
POST BY 4forumsID AT digitalpoint

First of all , i don`t want to asume the copyrights to me. This was taken from a pdf i found on the internet and thought you adsensers (specially the n00b ones) will find it usefull

Step 1: Finding a good Niche
Because of the size of the Internet there is no point trying to make a Website based on general areas like Software, Fashion, Fitness, Health. There are too many other larger established companies competing in those areas. What we are looking for is to find a niche within, were the competition isn't so stiff, and yet the demand is sufficiently high.

Note: Finding a good Niche does not mean you will have to sell something!
There a two aspects to finding your niche. The first is to find the area were you have a particular skill, interest, knowledge or aptitude. The second is to decide if the area is too general (e.g. like fashion) and if so to find a niche within were you can operate successfully

Finding Your niche Area
First you need to research and discover the best theme or niche area that correlates with your interests, desires and abilities.
Here you need to make a list of
• Things you enjoy doing e.g. doing crosswords, writing letters etc
• Things you are good at. e.g. using computers, cooking
• Any special skills e.g. you can play piano, program a computer
• Any Topics or skills you would like to know more about. e.g. learn a language
Once you have a list of at least 10 and maximum 50 then create a list and rank the list in order of preference (i.e. prefer doing crosswords to writing letters) .

Researching Your Niche
Measure twice cut once -Old Carpenters saying
Once you have a list of possible niche areas its time to do some research to determine whether or not it stands a good chance of being successful. remember it takes as much time to build a successful website as an unsuccessful one. Lets continue by doing some research on finding your niche.
Once you feel you have found your niche area you need to do some basic research before you go out and start building your niche website. The research involves analyzing the supply and demand for that niche/theme.

If you want visitors you need to match what you offer to what they want. The key to this is in basing your website and web pages around carefully chosen Keywords.

Demand and supply keyword research is simply a matter of looking to see if people are searching for and then looking at how many websites cater for that demand. There are a number of tools available for researching keyword demand for your Website theme. The main tool is Overture keyword suggestion tool which you can access directly or via other keyword research tools like Good Keywords (recommended download).

To illustrate the process; imagine we are interested in making Websites and want to make a Website based on making Websites . Go to the Overture Website and enter making Website. Overture returns with a list of keyword based on Website making along with the number of times they were searched.

We will see that "making your own website" is in relatively high demand (1312). We need now to look at the supply. We now go to Google, Altavista or Yahoo it doesn't matter which as long as you are consistent and do a search on "making your own website"- with the quotes.
Now we have the supply 610.
The results are Overture 1312 and Altavista 610.

Now calculate the demand supply ratio by dividing the results and multiplying by 10 as follows:
demand supply ratio=1312/610 *10=21.5
Ok what does this mean?
Basically we have good demand (1312) and low supply (610). It should not be a problem getting noticed at the search engines for this Website theme.

As a contrast we will do the same, but this time the Website theme is Website design.
The results are:
Overture 214303 Altavista 1,576,064 Demand supply ratio=214303/1,576,064 *10=1.3
Here we have good demand (214303) but high supply (1,576,064). This one is probably not worth trying.

Rule of Thumb: If the ratio of demand/supply*10 >10 then we have a very good chance to get noticed for this Website theme. If it is below 5 then I personally would find something else. The higher the better. So if I were to do this analysis and one returns a ratio of 40 and the other 20 then go with the one of 40.

The best Theme/niche area will have
1. Strong demand - plenty of people searching
2. Display plenty of opportunities for niche related keywords - lots of keyword combinations.
3. Excite you - You are going to be spending a lot of time on it - enjoy it!
Caution: Do not be in a hurry to start building your website! There is nothing worse than starting a project only to find 3 months later that it's not what you want or that it is too difficult an area to compete in. Remember do the research and choose carefully.

Keyword Tip 1- Keyword Phrases
Don't use single keywords but keyword phrases i.e. Making a website not website. Most searches are for phrases and not single keywords.

Keyword Tip 2-Common Misspellings
When entering keywords many people make spelling mistakes by targeting these common mistakes you can attract these visitors to you site or to your advert. You can include some common misspellings in your keyword meta tags but they are difficult to include in the body text ( unless accidentally). Misspelled keywords are often used when choosing keywords for a Pay Per Click campaign (Google Adwords). Search spell have an online tool that will give you actual search engine results for misspelled words.

Keyword Tip 3- Plurals and Singulars
Most search engine give different results for singular an plural. Therefore it is important to know which is being searched for. Sometimes its obvious others you need to consult Wordtracker. In either case its a good idea to target both variants on the same page with emphasis on the most searched i.e. the singular variant or the plural.

Keyword Tip 4- Spaces, Hyphens and variations
Most search engines treat an hyphen as a space hence off-shore and off shore are essentially the same. However offshore is treated very differently. This website is targeted around the keyword Website and not web site.

Keyword Tip 5 - Brainstorm and Jumble the Keyword Phrases
Just because you search for making a website it doesn't mean everyone else will. So try to think of alternatives like:
website making, making website,
Even though Google and most search engines state that it ignore the letter a in making a website it is possible to rank high for making a website but not for making website even though they should be the same if the "a" is being ignored.
1:35 AM :: 0 comments ::

asshur :: permalink