AdSense Group : Gathering Q&A form Google AdSense Group And More AdSense Tips: October 2006
100 Google AdSense Tips - by Fernando Hal
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
This article is post in 100 Google AdSense Tips (This article is the first of a 6-part series in 100 Google AdSense Tips.) at
hundredtips.comHere is the 100 Google AdSense Tips
1. AdSense Earning = Impression-count x Click-though-rate x Cost-per-click x smart-pricing-factor.
2. Impression count is basically referring to your traffic. It means the number of times AdSense block is displayed.
3. Click-through-rate (CTR) is ratio of clicks per impressions. It can range from 0.1% to 30%, but most commonly around 1% to 10%.
4. Cost-per-click (CPC) is the earning you get per click. While traditionally it refers to the amount advertisers pay for each click, it can also mean the amount publishers get for each click.
5. Smart-pricing is AdSense method to determine how valuable clicks from your site is worth. If clicks on your site doesn’t provide good value to advertisers, e.g. from visitors’ geo-location that seldom translate to sales, you will only get a fraction of the supposed CPC.
6. Apply for AdSense account via for faster approval.
7. Once you get your AdSense publisher code, you can put it any of your websites without requiring further approval.
8. Read and reread Google
AdSense Program Policies and
Terms and Conditions.
9. Don’t click on your own ads, or ask people to click, even if you are using proxies.
10. Don’t use click-bots.
11. Don’t encourage your visitors to click on ads. The only acceptable text is “Sponsored Links” and “Advertisements”.
12. Don’t put competitor contextual ads on the same page as your AdSense, for example: Yahoo Publisher Network, Clicksor. Non-contextual ads are ok.
13. Don’t put your ads on objectionable material, e.g. adult sites, gambling sites, mp3, etc.
14. Basically,
don’t cheat AdSense. Google will catch you, sooner or later.
15. Viewing your on website will not get you banned. Just make sure you don’t click on the ads.
16. However, repeatedly reload your page to jack up page impressions can get you banned.
17. When in doubt don’t hesitate to contact the AdSense team. They are very helpful.
18. Choose a high paying niche without too much competition.
19. You can try highest paying keywords from, but know before-hand that you’ll face very fierce competitions.
20. Use
Overture Bid Tool and Search Engine Keyword Tool to find suitable keyword.
My adsense adv suddenly disappeared....
Monday, October 09, 2006
Q; My adsense adv suddenly disappeared....
From: bentswoodpaul(a)
my page used to show adsense adv properly
and the advs are about "patent" and "investment"
however...the advs are not shown anymore 2 days ago, the advs are blank
nothing is shown....i wonder if it is related to "over-clicking"?
would the advs not showing anymore, if they are over-clicked?
or could u guys kindly give me an explanation? thank you
Answer - by Kristian Fiskerstrand
And the URL is?
On a general note might
be of interest. if there isn't sufficient content on the website there
aren't enough ads in your inventory to have any displayed.
Google Adsense page won't let me sign up
Q; Google Adsense page won't let me sign up
From: Peter Roehlen
I'm trying to sign up using this page:
I enter my website, contact, product selection and check the policies.
I click submit and am taken to the verify information screen. I choose
either my existing gmail account or choose a new login name. When I
click Continue I get taken right back to the first screen with the
details prefilled and no error or confirmation message. I can repeat
the process indefinitely.
Anyone got any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
Answer - by Kristian Fiskerstrand
Just a little additional note, google seems to be having some server
issues, especially with writing (I presume reading is replicated across
different servers and that is the reason the fault-rate is lower,
although I've had problems with that as well)
So just try untill it works :)
Adsense not working in directory files
Q; Adsense not working in directory files
From: Ryan and Aaron
I have been using adsense on my site for two months now. All is going
well, apart from not earning as much as I had hoped, but things are
progressing. My site is expanding and for this reason I have added a
file structure to try and organize things better. These new files do
not seem to work with adsense now. for example: in the main directory,
all ads show up, new file folder "city" has contains pages about
certain cities but the ads do not show up.
How can I get adsense to crawl through the whole site and show ads on
pages that are in various folders? I don't really want to have all
pages located in the main directory for organization reasons. Thanks.
Answer - by K_F
Just give the crawlers a little bit time to re-index, there isn't a
technical problem by using sub-directories.
What Is Google Doing To Protect Your Publisher ID?
Q; What Is Google Doing To Protect Your Publisher ID?
From: Voldemort
I read this is in a blog .....
A growing number of publishers are seeing hackers edit their websites,
substituting the publisher's AdSense ID for another, in order to
basically steal that publisher's revenue. Additionally, we've heard
stories of AdSense IDs getting used on sites not owned by the person
who controls the ID, resulting in charges of click fraud, among other
The reason these things can happen is that Google does not have a
verification process for AdSense, making it real easy to do crazy and
evil things to unwitting users, who may never realize they've been
hacked. There's no way to list all your domains in AdSense's
control panel, so that your ads never turn up where you don't want
them, and there's certainly no way to claim your own website, in
order to prevent other AdSense IDs from stealing your page views.
Even if Google doesn't want to invest in verification, I'm sure it
would be a simple matter to display on the AdSense control panel (a) a
list of all domains currently running your publisher ID and (b) a list
of all other publishers running ads on sites you run ads on (the
implication that, in most cases, if there's more than one name on the
second list, we've got a problem). A simple list would at least alert
publishers that there might be a problem, and then they can let Google
know not to penalize them for it.
Answer - by PrettyFace
Voldemort ,
This is a very good point.
You should discuss this directly with Google Support by emailing them:
There are other advertising networks that I'm working with and they do
a pretty good job at protecting their publishers.
They give publishers an option to encrypt their publisher IDs.
I cannot disclose who these ad networks are.
Google should definitely provide something to protect publishers (and
support us morally) - publishers should be able to specify which
domains their ads will appear on.
If the domain does not match the ad then it should trigger a red flag
to google.
Answer - by JL
Its not rocket science, it will take little or nothing for google
adsense to add a verification process, as one already exists for
sitemaps. They however have time to code a way to reveal channel names
in plain text (without an option to opt-out) to newly generated code...
I recently discovered that alot of publishers other than myself have
been requesting this and strict filter controls for over the past 24
"Simply add the code to your page source, and we'll automatically
detect the new site." -
Google states that if you ad the tags to a new domains, its
automatically associated with your account, therefore they already have
the information all they have to do is show it to publishers.
Adsense website layouts, directory listings & server location?
Q; Adsense website layouts, directory listings & server location?
From: Jack Frost
I have couple of queries about adsense website layouts, directory
listings and location of website servers, hope you can advise.
(1) My website is built with a relative width (100%) rather than an
absolute width (usually 760px). It's my first relative width website
(personal site, thought I'd try something new). Can anyone tell which
layout is the best to use for a site using adsense and why? Maybe there
is no difference?
(2) How do website directories, maintained by humans, regard sites that
use adsense and other affiliate adverts. Has anyone noticed that their
'ad' websites have less of a chance of being accepted by these
directories (dmoz for example)?
(3) My website is hosted in Ireland with a leading service provider.
I'm stating the obvious here; Ireland is a lot smaller than America.
Do you think two websites, of equal merit, one hosted in Ireland the
other in America would achieve similar organic traffic and ad clicks
regardless of where they are hosted? Is it easier to generate revenue
just because you're website is hosted in a country with a large
So far I'm enjoying adsense; it's like a puzzle you know you can
solve, or a word on the tip of your tongue. Over the course of two
months I've earned enough money for a few pints of the black & white
stuff. Still, I continue to build a site I'm interested in (also two
months old) and often indulge in dreams about being one of the guys who
are cashing the big cheques and living large and care free.
Answer - by K_F
Depends on too many factors. Use whatever works for you and your own
content, and don't worry too much about what others use.
No, at least not if placed sanely
Shouldn't matter, except maybe if some of the atlantic cables breaks
down again, and american traffic gets shut out / gets a very slow
response due to backup routing, it has happened in the past . That
said, I'm hosting most of my sites in Norway
by Jack Frost
Hi Kristian,
Thanks for the information.
Looking at your websites I think you've also inadvertently thought me a
thing or two about how to integrate ads into my site.
Your use of relative layout in your websites suits your content well.
The adverts are obvious but not intrusive. That makes for a good layout
and honest approach that I'm sure your visitors appreciate.
My ads look clumsy and distracting in most cases, the site is messy
too. My articles are also poor. In an effort to get as many pages
uploaded in as short a time as possible the site has been compromised
on a number of levels. This is probably causing a reduced value of my
adsense clicks and my low CTR. I'm working to a development plan and
the site will improve gradually over the next six months. Hopefully the
CTR and ad value will improve with the site.
It's nice to think that we're all starting on a level playing
field, whether our sites include ads or not. My site:
adsense in multiply
Q; adsense in multiply
From: cool_zorro0(a)
Hi, how do I add my adsense code to my multiply account? need help
here, thanks
Answer - by Enviroman
What do you mean by multiply account?
Answer - by alpa
He means multible.
First do you mean multible account or multible web sites. I assume that
it is web sites.
Simply same as you put the code in your original site, but I suggest
you to use channels to analyse you earnings.
Free Blogger and Beta Blogger Templates with Optimized Adsense Ads for use
Free Blogger and Beta Blogger Templates with Optimized Adsense Ads for use
From: panther
Get Free Blogger and Beta Blogger Templates with Optimized Adsense Ads
for use
Free download at
Just fill in your Google ID No. and use
Free Download and use Adsense Optimized templates 4 Blogger & beta blogger
Free Download and use Adsense Optimized templates 4 Blogger & beta blogger
From: panther
Free Download and use Adsense Optimized templates 4 Blogger & beta
blogger at
Fill in your Google pub ID and use
Adsense Ads in all correct places with optimized colors for max
Does adding a zillion adsense boxes dilute my earning potential?
Q; Does adding a zillion adsense boxes dilute my earning potential?
From: deecee
I've been wondering about this. If CTR ad rates are based on
advertisers bidding, then will I effectively lower the bid rates by
adding too many adsense slots? The old supply & demand question... If I
supply too much, will demand fall, bringing prices down with it?
The reason I ask is that I have a large website (~700 pages). 99% of my
visitors go to one specific page, because it's ranked very high in the
search engines (it's #1 on google for its keyword).
So basically, I have one highly prized page and 699 fluff pages. If I
add adsense boxes to the other 699 pages, will it bring the
advertisers' bids down? I'd prefer to just keep the bid rates high,
even if that means just having one adsense box (on the "magic page")
because that's the only page of mine that really gets any traffic.
Answer - by Enviroman
Adsense Help has said that CTR does not affect earnings.
Answer - by deecee
well maybe I've got my terminology mixed up... I don't know if CTR is
the right word for what I'm talking about.
basically the advertisers bid on my adsense slots, right? so suppose
there are 100 advertisers and only 1 slot... then the bidding rate (my
earnings per click) will be high. But now if I have 100 slots, then the
rate will be low, because they're not competing against each other.
I don't know if that's how Google has set it up, but it seems to make
sense from an economics point of view.
Answer - by Enviroman
I don't know what you mean by slot. I am guessing you have a normal
website and can place ads on whatever position and whichever page you
chose, and that is a slot. But this is how I believe adsense works.
Adsense crawl your site to find out the content, and probably single
out some keywords. Advertiser bid on a keyword or keywords. There will
be more than one advertisers bidding on the same keyword. Adsense
program will try to match the highest bidder for the keyword and then
distribute it to those publishers who have pages with that keyword on
it. There probably also is a provision to distribute the ads such that
the higher bids get displayed in those positions that attract the most
clicks. If so, I don't see how having more "slots" can affect your bid
Getting The Balance Right?
Q; Getting The Balance Right?
From: Jack Frost
Hi all, hope you can help.
I've incorporated ads into my website similarly to how I've seen
other 'model' sites integrate their ads (ad block in main content
aligned left, images over other ads etc.), but they get less clicks
than the ads on the right margin, which are not really blended at all.
Is there a more suitable way of going about this for my website?
I don't want to go over board with blending either. I know hiding the
ads so that the visitor doesn't know what they are clicking is good
for CTR; but I don't want to deceive people. I just want the ads to
be available in the event that if the visitor is not interested in the
site that they may see something of more interest in the ads and click
them. The ads shouldn't steal the limelight either and should look
like they belong with the rest of the site design.
Of course I want a to earn revenue from the site, it's the only way
I'll be able to take a long term approach to the website, but I want
to get the balance right too.
Any suggestions or examples that you can point me to will be greatly
My site:
Answer - by PJ
Important. You have a title over your ad on your first page. This is
actually classified as labeling and could cause a ban. Ad placement is
great, but you are better off moving the titile "our goal" on top of
the text on the right.
Answer - by PJ
You aren't deceiving people. You are embedding an advertisement into
your content which is actually recommended by the AdSense tutorials.
Blend Blend Blend. The only reason someone would click on an ad is if
they didn't see a possible answer anywhere to their question anywhere
else on that page.
Kick back and make some cash. Blend away.
Answer - by shellgrip(a)
Jack, of primary worry is the graphic images over the top links ad
unit. These MUST be separated from the ads below as they appear to be
clearly linked to the ads, a TOS no-no.
As PJ has said, blend away. If your site contains decent content then
the ads may well contain useful and pertinent information for your
visitors - they are a benefit, not a scam.
I'd look to change the link title colour to green or orange and the
link URL colour to black.
If you want to keep the images at the top, at least put an HR between
them and the ads and a little space.
Adsense to open new explorer window
Q; Adsense to open new explorer window
From: charipie0519(a)
I asked a friend to test my adsense (since im not allowed click it
myself) and he reported that after clicking on the banner, it replaces
the current page instead of opening another page.
is there any way to make it open a new page so that the members of my
forum would not have to leave the forum page when they click on the ads?
Answer - by Vision i.T Services
Have you read any of the terms and conditions?
DON'T ask people to click your ads
Ads must NOT result in a new window
If anyone from Google reads this, chances are you'll be banned.
Answer - by beny_v(a)
Man,don`t click your ads will be banned.
Answer - caracter422000(a)
You can't ask you friend to click on your ads because like beny say you
will be banned.