Positioning For Success: How To Arrange For Adsense Profit
Where you place adsense units on your website has a strong bearing on how high of a CTR (click Through Rate) they will achieve. Humans are a finicky species, and do not like to feel as if they are being manipulated or controlled in any way. If you place a big bold adsense unit squarely in front of their face, most people are likely to scroll down or click the back button to prove they can’t be controlled by the (ad) man.
You need to subtly work your adsense units into your content in a harmonious manner that subtly draws the eye to the ad, without being too bold and salesley (it’s a new word I just created, don’t try to look it up.)
So how does one go about placing adsense units in a pleasing and profitable manner? First, make sure your adsense units do not look like advertising, make them blend in with the rest of your site’s content.
Next, you have to follow the natural flow patterns a person uses when they browse a website. Most people read from top to bottom, left to right. If your adsense units are in the top portion of the webpage, the part visible before the user scrolls down, there is a better chance of getting the click. I have found that rectangular blocks of adsense units inserted in a table to the right of my content gets the most clicks.
If you have a Google adsense account, you have probably read their help and tutorial sections, if not I highly recommend you do so. One of the neat things they have is what they call a heat map, a colored chart of the best places to put your adsense unit for the biggest response.
It is also sometimes profitable to put a wide adsense block at the very bottom of your content; if you were unable to capture their interest and click in the main body of content, it is one final chance they have to give you a profitable click before leaving your webpage.
Mr. Shannon Baker, subtley persuading computers to do his bidding for over 20 years. http://www.fix-my-slow-computer.com