Hey, I Did Not Do It on Purpose, Please do Not Close My Account Yet!
Yes, I believe in you. I know you did not do it on purpose and many others as well. But someone did it for you, whether intentionally or unintentionally. However, the host computer will not be able to distinguish who did it. Once the host computer receives a signal from your computer, it will record it as a ‘click fraud’. Your account will be suspended and all your hard earn money will be forfeited. Your badly needed money from this source to finance all your needs just vanished. You are downcast.
Yes, I believe you can guess what I am referring too now. I am referring to google adsense program. google is able to detect ‘click fraud’. click fraud basically refers to invalid clicks that are clicked from your computer screen. To google, this means that you are cheating; you click the ads yourself and pocket the money. This will hurt both the advertisers and google. The advertisers will have to pay more for invalid clicks and google may loose genuine businesses.
But who can click on google Ads on your computer, you may wonder. I believe you will not do it. Are you aware who are in the house when you are doing your web site development? Perhaps when you are taking a break, your family members may use the computer and they unknowingly click on the google Ads on your web site. There you go, an invalid click has committed. Accidents do happen, but this is a costly one and should be avoided at all cost. google adsense is such a wonderful program that you should not give up because of this problem. I have come across a report by Mr Sean Wu whom has given two practical methods to prevent this from happening. You can dowonload a free copy from the URL in the resource box. This report will show you how to protect your adsense from accidental click. Thanks to Mr Sean Wu for sharing this information.
Now that you know how to protect your adsense and you should feel relieve now. Your hard earn money is now being protected and you can use it to your delights. Okay, with this weapon in hand, you should have the peace of mind to start creating many adsense sites for profit.
However, in order to create many web sites, this is rather time and effort consuming. But the good news is that, currently, there are softwares that can greatly reduce this effort. The software will create your desired web site with your adsense code embedded into it. Best of all, the software has the capability to put in relevant affiliate products into the same web site as well. This is double gain. You will make money from the adsense Ads as well as affiliate product if the user choose to buy. The ultimate point here is, you can get the software for free. Yes, it is free for use and can be downloaded at the below URL. You are encouraged to download a copy to try it out. You do not need to buy anything.
We have move rapidly into the internet age where automation is the key to success and compete. Creating one web site with adsense Ads one at the time is rather time and effort consuming. In order to earn better and faster income from this source, you will need tools to help you to move ahead fast. Automation is the key. Good news is that, this resource is provided to you free of charge. Do not lack behind in this technology. Please visit the URL for more information.
Special interest in Internet Business and Marketing.
Enjoys sports and music.
Freelance Writer.
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Download Your Free AdSense Report Here