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Get the Most Out of Your Adsense Site

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

More and more webmasters out there are utilizing google's Adsense program to maximize their earnings off of their website through targeted advertisements geared towards their viewers in a certain niche.

Many websites earn very little monthly income through their Adsense campaign. Most sites do not even make over $5 a month! Sure, there are several ways that webmasters can optimize their Adsense ads on their site to achieve a higher click through rate (CTR), but I'm not going to explain that topic in this article. If you want to learn more about that, read my signature at the bottom of this article. Instead, I'm going to focus on two other factors; traffic and content.

First lets begin with traffic. Every website, not a few, not some, but EVERY website on the Internet needs traffic to make money. How much traffic? Well, technically, someone could make some money off of 100 visitors a day, but what good does 100 visitors a day do you when it comes to generating money through your google Adsense ads? Probably not too good. Take for instance the following example:

Let's say your website is receiving 100 visitors a day (many websites dont even reach this amount) and the average amount you get paid per click is 10 cents with a CTR of 5% (which isn't too bad). This means that 5 visitors are clicking your ads each day earning you a total of 50 cents a day. That's about $15 a month. If all you're looking for is to cover web hosting costs, then you probably achieved the amount of money you need based upon these results. But hopefully you want more money! After all, this article is not about breaking even. It's about making the most out of your website's earning potential.

OK, now let's say your goal (which is a reasonable goal for starting out) is to make $60 a month. I know it doesn't seem like much, but if you apply the principles I'm about to tell you, you can easily double this amount each month. In order to meet this goal you would need at least 400 visitors a day at the same 5% CTR and average 10 cent earning per click.

How do we achieve this 400 visitor a day traffic goal? There are a number of ways:

1. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) - Drive more traffic to your site by ranking high in the search engines. You can learn more about SEO at www.realmoneyreviews.com/directory/seo-1.htm . This can take a lot of time and effort so be patient.

2. PPC (Pay Per Click) Advertising - If the only revenue from you site is from Adsense, I recommend against this option, but if you're selling a product or service, this could be a worth while option for you. For more information on PPC Advertising (as well as Adsense information) visit www.realmoneyreviews.com/directory/pay-per-click-advertising-1.htm .

3. Writing articles - Writing articles is a great way to attract visitors to your site as well as helping in SEO. When you write articles for other article directories and sites, you get to place your link at the bottom of your article. If you submit to an article directory, other webmasters can pick up your article and place it on their webpage under the terms that your link remains in the article. Write articles on subjects that your target market would most likely be interested in.

4. Post in Forums - Post in forums that deal with the same target market as your site. Add a link in your forum signature to your site. If someone has a question and your website has the answer, tell them and a lot of other viewers about your website.

5. Link exchanges - Try to exchange links with as many other sites related to yours as you can. This not only helps in SEO but can give you a few extra visitors as well.

Those are just a few ways to drive more traffic to your site. If you utilize those methods above, you can easily bring 400 visitors to your site a day.

The other way to make more money through your Adsense site deals with content. content is king on the Internet. If your site offers nothing but bull, dont expect to be successful. People want to read real valuable content. This goes back to traffic as well. If you offer good content (and a lot of it) to your visitors, they will want to return in the future. Article directories are a great way to find new content to add to your site.

What else can good content do for your Adsense revenue? If you offer well written content on your site, google will be able to display ads on your site most relevant to the content you provide. More relevant ads mean more clicks for you!

And if your website deals with a niche that isn't too common or popular, think about changing niche markets. Advertisers for low volume niche markets do not pay much for their ads. You want to target a niche in which advertisers pay a fair amount of money for their ads to be displayed on your website.

Darin Kleb is the owner of http://www.realmoneyreviews.com, a site offering articles and information targeted to teach people how to make money online.

Visit his website to learn how to make money on the internet. Sign up for his free online newsletter and receive "Adsense Revenue Exposed", a $37 value, free.

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